Wednesday 4 February 2015

How convenient are Dental Implant Procedures?

At present, millions of people suffer teeth related problems (loss of teeth in most cases) either due to the tooth decay or due to gum diseases and sometimes due to injury. Bridges and dentures were the only treatment options available to replace the missing teeth earlier. But, today, dental implants are used as a replacement and they are as good as real teeth giving the bearer a beautiful smile and confidence.

What is a Dental Implant?

Dental implants are artificial teeth used as replacements for the missing or removed teeth. They provide a strong foundation for the permanent or replacement teeth which are made to match the natural teeth.

Advantages of Dental Implants
  • Improved appearance and self-esteem
  • Better comfort and oral health
  • Convenience
  • Long durability
  • Easier eating and speech
Success rate of Dental Implants

In general dental implants have a success rate of more than 95% and it may also vary depending upon the jaw structure and where the implants are placed. 

Who can get Dental Implants?

Any individual having healthy gums and sufficient bone to hold the implant can go for a dental implant. It is also necessary to talk to the dentist before considering dental implants. However people suffering from chronic disorders, diabetes, heart diseases or those who have had radiation therapy in the past have to be individually checked.

How painful is it? 

People who have received dental implants feel a bit of discomfort. Local anesthesia can be used during the procedure and most patients feel that dental implants involve less pain than tooth extraction. 

Is any special care required?

It requires the same care as that of real teeth like brushing, flossing and regular dental check-ups.

What do dentists do at Wellness Kliniek?

After having a brief discussion with you as regards on your expectation and how the dentist can bring out the best for you, he will find the dental implants:
  • which fit perfectly with your teeth, both in shape as well as the color
  • which fit perfectly on your gums
  • which are perfectly lined with your jaws
You can find the complete range of aesthetic dentistry in Wellness Kliniek Belgium. This clinic has made significant advances in the last few years. Wellness Kliniek reviews on dentistry would help you know about the treatment and the other procedures they follow for dental implants. 


  1. I’ve been experiencing problems with two of my teeth for long now and due to my neglect, I had to have them removed. I was however very much worried about having implants fit in and was looking for a good clinic wherein I would feel comfortable getting it done (given my fear of anything to do with teeth!). I think I’ll consult the dentists at Wellness Kliniek. Feeling a bit more confident after reading this! Hope I get good care too. Will share my experiences once I get it done!

  2. I was looking for the best clinic for my dental problem. I reviewed few hospitals. I came to know about wellness kliniek services & found lots of good reviews from patients so I opted dentistry treatment in wellness kliniek. The dental expert provided me a glaring clarification on what should be done for my dental care. The comprehensible description pointed out his professionalism and involvement in patient care. The recuperation duration was very short and I sustained with my regular duties soon after the therapy.
